Aliyah Fair in New York – WZO

Aliyah Fair in New York

On December 10th, at the Jewish community center JCC KINGS BAY in Brooklyn, an Aliyah Fair was held, organized by the Department of Repatriation Support of the World Zionist Organization.

This year, the Fair coincided with Hanukkah. Hanukkah has always been a joyful festival of self-affirmation and pride in one’s people for most modern Jews. But this year, the holiday was overshadowed by the terrible events of October 7th, which deprived many of peace and a sense of joy.

The atmosphere at the Aliyah Fair could be characterized by two words: solidarity and compassion. The head of the Department of Repatriation Support, Marina Rosenberg-Koritnaya, shared her personal impressions from visiting kibbutzim burned by HAMAS terrorists in her speech. She also gave a critical assessment of the unprecedented pressure on Israel from the UN and the rise of anti-Semitism in US universities. All this served as another reminder that violence and hatred have been part of the Jewish condition for many centuries.

If in the past the Jewish people needed their own state, today the Jewish state needs its people!

The Aliyah Fair was attended by more than 700 Jewish residents of New York. Considering that during Hanukkah in New York, up to 40 Jewish events take place simultaneously, this is a great success. Among the honored guests were New York City Council member Inna Vernikova, former council member Ari Kogan, and New York State Assembly members Mikhail Novakhov and Alex Brook-Krasny.

The fair featured about fifteen pavilions representing various programs and projects for future repatriates, including Nefesh B’Nefesh, MASA, the University of Haifa, and others.

[Images of the event are displayed.]

12 Dec 2023
1 min read
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