Unfit for professional duty – WZO

Unfit for professional duty

Throughout the history of the Middle Eastern conflict, the United Nations has been characterized by an anti-Israeli stance. In the UN General Assembly, a stable majority of countries has long formed, which year after year brings forth and supports accusations exclusively against Israel, without placing any responsibility on the other side. From 2015 to 2022, the General Assembly adopted 140 anti-Israel resolutions and only 68 resolutions concerning situations in other regions of the world combined.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres - palinchak /depositphotos.com

UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is rewriting history and adopting resolutions that deny Israel’s right to Jerusalem and its holy sites, including the Western Wall.

The current UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, took office in 2017. Like all his predecessors, at the beginning of his term, he spoke of the beginning of a new stage in the fight against anti-Semitism, but in reality, he turned out to be an advocate for those who do not recognize the right of Jews to their own state. Therefore, his statement that the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 “did not occur in a vacuum” arose not in a vacuum, and the subsequent criticism of Israel for its retaliatory military actions sounds in unison with the anti-Israeli, and essentially anti-Semitic campaign that has unfolded in the world. Let us recall his recent statement that since taking office in 2017, he has not observed conflicts with as many civilian casualties as in the Gaza Strip. For some reason, the Secretary-General is unaware that during his tenure at the UN, 377,000 civilians died in Yemen, 500,000 in Syria, 300,000 in Darfur, 176,000 in Afghanistan, 500,000 in Ukraine, and almost 900,000 in Congo. What is this? Incompetence, a Freudian slip, or a deliberate lie?

In any case, let’s imagine that at the end of World War II, when the Allies approached the borders of Germany, suddenly some António Guterres expresses concern about the consequences of military actions on the territory of the aggressor and, in particular, the absence of electricity, water, and other attributes of peaceful life. The war stops, and Hitler remains in power.

P.S.: Israel’s representative to the UN, Gilad Erdan, called for Guterres to resign: “Anyone understands very well what António Guterres’s words mean: that the blame for Hamas’s actions lies with Israel. Or, at the very least, it demonstrates his understanding of the ‘background’ that led to this mass murder. A Secretary-General who does not understand that the killing of innocent people can never be justified by any ‘background’ cannot be the Secretary-General of the UN.”

1 Dec 2023
2 min read
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