The World Zionist Organization has opened a centre to collect donations from companies and institutions – WZO

The World Zionist Organization has opened a centre to collect donations from companies and institutions

The World Zionist Organization has opened a centre to collect donations from companies and institutions.

We are establishing needs and gather enquiries from communities and individuals who have been forced to leave their homes and are in need of assistance. In addition, the call centre handles enquiries and institutional needs from IDF units.

Companies and donors interested in donating equipment are asked to contact or phone number 02-6204333.

In addition, you can write to us on WhatsApp at the number 052-4403488.

For more information, to make a donation and to find out about any necessary equipment, you can click link

If you are interested in applying for equipment, please use one of the communication methods or go to the link and fill in the details.

10 Oct 2023
1 min read
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