[:en]Celebrating Israel’s 73 Independence Day[:] — WZO

[:en]Celebrating Israel’s 73 Independence Day[:]

[:en] We were so pleased to work with our partners in creating the main event for Israel’s 73rd Independence Day. Thousands of our friends and supporters here in the UK and France, and from all over the world attended joined us to celebrate Israel’s 73rd birthday. This exclusive event was produced in Israel and broadcast […]


We were so pleased to work with our partners in creating the main event for Israel’s 73rd Independence Day. Thousands of our friends and supporters here in the UK and France, and from all over the world attended joined us to celebrate Israel’s 73rd birthday.
This exclusive event was produced in Israel and broadcast across the world so that the entire Diaspora were able to celebrate with us.
We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the Department for the promotion of Aliyah in WZO for their initiative and an enormous amount of work and support in making celebration this celebration such a success
Marina Koritny
Nathalie Gorenler
Yulia Sakin
Izchak Sonnenschein
ZF UK & Ireland — Zionist Federation
Organisation Sioniste Mondiale


16 Апр 2021
1 мин. чтения
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