[:en]Teachers seminar[:] — WZO

[:en]Teachers seminar[:]

[:en] Over the weekend of May 14-16th, an exceptional seminar for educators was successfully organized. A total of thirteen teachers hailing from various locations nationwide, such as Miami, Boston, and Philadelphia, eagerly journeyed to participate in this enriching weekend workshop. The event encompassed an extraordinary program filled with an array of outstanding activities and instructive […]


Over the weekend of May 14-16th, an exceptional seminar for educators was successfully organized. A total of thirteen teachers hailing from various locations nationwide, such as Miami, Boston, and Philadelphia, eagerly journeyed to participate in this enriching weekend workshop. The event encompassed an extraordinary program filled with an array of outstanding activities and instructive sessions led by famous Israeli scholar and teacher Gila Prisler. Teachers gained invaluable insights on improving their approach to effectively engage students, both in traditional classroom settings and virtual environments, all while fostering meaningful connections with their peers. Undoubtedly, the weekend proved to be a triumph, leaving all attendees thoroughly delighted with the outcomes achieved.


23 Май 2023
1 мин. чтения
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