Two Israeli universities entered the top 100 of the CWUR ranking – WZO

Two Israeli universities entered the top 100 of the CWUR ranking

Two Israeli universities have entered the TOP-100 of the best universities in the world. The ranking was compiled by the organization CWUR (Center for World Universities Rankings), based in Saudi Arabia, reports the website

Photo: Elena Dijour /

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem ranked 66th, moving up 4 positions compared to last year. The Weizmann Institute moved up from the 87th to the 74th place.

Tel Aviv University is in 154th place, and the Technion in Haifa is in 188th.

The CWUR ranking is based on the evaluation of universities according to eight parameters, including the number of graduates who have received international awards and hold CEO positions in leading companies, as well as the number of scientific publications, citation level, number of registered patents, teaching level, faculty level, and level of influence.

16 May 2024
1 min read
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