Night strike on Israel successfully repelled – WZO

Night strike on Israel successfully repelled

For the first time in history, Iran directly attacked Israel. On the night of April 14, the following were launched at Israel:– 185 strike UAVs,– 36 cruise missiles,– 110 ballistic missiles.

Israel's Iron Dome air defense missile launches. - vadimrysev /

The overwhelming majority of launches were carried out from the territory of Iran.
In addition, launches were carried out from Iraq and Yemen. The attack lasted about five hours. Israel destroyed 99% of Iranian drones and missiles. The interception also involved the air forces of the USA, the United Kingdom, and Jordan.
According to experts, Israel should consider the past night a victory. Iran’s attack was unsuccessful, and its results demonstrated Israel’s superior military potential. Almost all drones and missiles launched by Iran were shot down in the sky.

15 Apr 2024
1 min read
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