Go Forth – WZO

Go Forth

The director of the LEKH LEKHA program, Fredo Pachter, was on tour in France (Paris, Marseille, Lyon) to promote our collective Aliyah program.On 24/01, he attended the Tou Bishvat community evening in Lyon, where he discussed the importance of the Jewish people’s connection to their land on this festive day. “The history of Israel is not written in Paris or New York but in Jerusalem (…) A well-prepared Aliyah is synonymous with successful integration; and from now on, learn Hebrew!”.The LEKH LEKHA program offers a feasible Aliyah in three localities in the country with personalized support for all stages, especially assistance with employment, children’s schooling, housing, and Ulpan.JEWS OF FRANCE, IT’S TIME TO COME HOME!

25 Jan 2024
1 min read
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