The Department is now announcing the third edition of the program, which will take place in 2026.

Dates may slightly vary.

Pre-registration Form

Join the waiting list and pre-register and we will contact you as soon as enrollment opens.

Welcome to the 'Geula' program! We are delighted that you are considering joining our unique initiative aimed at developing leadership qualities in young Jewish women. Go through this simple registration process to share your experiences and ambitions with us. Your passion and participation could be the very element that brings fresh ideas and directions to Jewish communities worldwide.

    Objectives of the Geula program

    To train and develop the leadership skills of young women in the Jewish world

    Encourage and strengthen the connection and cooperation between the leadership of young women from the Diaspora and Israel

    Encourage the development of innovative women-led ventures.


    Research conducted between 2016-2018 in France, the USA, Argentina, Russia, and Ukraine has shown:

    Women demonstrate greater responsibility when assessing the prospects of Aliyah and are often the initiators and driving force behind the decision to repatriate at all stages.

    Women are more actively involved in Jewish community life than men.

    Contemporary young women are driven to prove themselves in society; they often initiate socially significant projects and seek to develop their leadership skills and competencies.

    Commitment to the program

    Participants will be required to complete the program activity throughout the entire year, which will include

    • A two-week seminar in Israel - at the expense of the World Zionist Organization (the seminar will be in English).
    • Participation in individual and group training.
    • Activities for Israel in participants’ respective communities.
    • Joining the Geula Alumni Forum.
    • Development and establishment of a personal enterprise; Each candidate will be asked to write about a venture she wants to develop during the year. New ventures will be preferred, but there is an option to approve existing ventures which the candidate wants to promote and enrich.

    Program framework

    The program is designed to develop and encourage leadership for Zionism among young women. A special committee will select the most suitable candidates for the program: the candidates will be chosen based on personal information they submit, and on the committee's impressions during an interview.

    Seminar in israel: a list of topics

    Female empowerment

    • Female leadership
    • Jewish women's organisations around the world
    • Female Leadership - International co- operations
    • Types of leadership
    • Women in times of emergency


    • Women in the History of Zionism
    • Waves of aliyah and the Israeli mosaic
    • Communities and the Diaspora
    • Promotion of Aliyah
    • Hasbara

    The foundations of management

    • Managing teams and budgeting
    • Dealing with public institutions and authorities
    • Development of initiatives
    • Communication, Media and Public
    • Relations
    • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    «I couldn’t but follow a heartfelt order»
    Geula Cohen,
    "Between Day and Night, The Warrior's Story"

    Young Women Leaders Training Program.

    From her youth, Geula Cohen showed leadership and courage, and stood at the forefront in the struggle for the establishment of the State of Israel, Aliyah and the ingathering of the Exiles.

    Her public activity as a leader in the struggle for the immigration of Jews from the USSR and Ethiopia, for social justice and our right to the Land of Israel, has earned her a place of honor and appreciation among the leaders who have led the Jewish people for generations.