Day of Catastrophe and Heroism of the Jewish People – WZO

Day of Catastrophe and Heroism of the Jewish People

Today, May 5th, with the sunset and tomorrow, May 6th, Israel commemorates the Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Heroes of the Resistance (Yom HaShoah). This day is established in memory of the six million Jews killed by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II.

evantravels /

The main ceremony will take place at the Yad Vashem Memorial Complex at 20:00 Jerusalem time. It will be attended by the President of Israel, the Prime Minister, government members, politicians, diplomats, as well as Holocaust survivors and their families. During the ceremony, six survivors will light six torches in memory of the six million deceased Jews.

On May 6th at 10:00, a mourning siren will sound throughout the country, followed by a wreath-laying ceremony at Yad Vashem.
At 11:00, the Knesset will start the “Each Person Has a Name” ceremony, during which members will read the names of those who perished in the Holocaust.

Memorial events will also take place in other memorial centers across the country, educational institutions, military units and bases of the Israel Defense Forces, as well as in state institutions.

5 May 2024
1 min read
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