[:en]Happy Chanukah![:] — WZO

[:en]Happy Chanukah![:]

[:en] Photo:  tomertu / Shutterstock.com With the arrival of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Light, we can begin to see the light at the end of this difficult year we have all been through. We at the WZO have not stopped for a moment and have continued our extensive Zionist activities throughout the Jewish communities […]

image of jewish holiday Hanukkah with menorah (traditional Candelabra), donuts and wooden dreidels (spinning top). retro filtered image


Photo:  tomertu / Shutterstock.com
With the arrival of Chanukah, the Jewish Festival of Light, we can begin to see the light at the end of this difficult year we have all been through.
We at the WZO have not stopped for a moment and have continued our extensive Zionist activities throughout the Jewish communities in the UK.
We would like to wish all of you continued success in our shared missions and good health and light to you and your families. Happy Chanukah!


10 Дек 2020
1 мин. чтения
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