Actions for kidnapped people – WZO

Actions for kidnapped people

At the NOAM youth movement camp in São Paulo, during the closing ceremony on Saturday, January 27, 136 candles were lit in remembrance of the 136 people still held captive in Gaza.

At the São Paulo Jewish Community Act in memory of the Holocaust victims on Sunday, January 28, the women from the women’s division of the Community Fund attended the event wearing the names of all the people still kidnapped.

1 Feb 2024
1 min read
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YouTube Channel of WZO UK

YouTube Channel of WZO UK

Heard of Einat Sarouf’s sing along in Yom Haatzmaut and wished you were there? Missed Miriam Peretz speaking in Jerusalem Day? The World Zionist Organisation in the UK invites you to join our followers on our brand new YOUTUBE Channel.