An Israeli startup has developed an innovative method for early diagnosis of coronary heart disease – WZO

An Israeli startup has developed an innovative method for early diagnosis of coronary heart disease

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality worldwide. However, existing diagnostic methods, such as ECG, heart CT, or coronary angiography, have their limitations. They are either not accurate enough or require complex and expensive equipment, making their application difficult at early stages of the disease.

Atrial fibrillation. Photo: lightsource /

As reported by, the Israeli startup AccuLine has proposed an innovative solution — the CORA system, which allows for accurate and non-invasive tests right in the family doctor’s office. Within minutes, CORA analyzes three indicators: the electrical function of the heart, oxygen saturation, and respiration. The system uses noise filtering methods and deep learning algorithms to assess the condition of the coronary arteries.

The CORA system not only facilitates early diagnosis of ischemic heart disease but also helps significantly reduce the costs of medical examinations and treatment of patients after heart attacks. According to Moshe Barel, co-founder and CEO of AccuLine, this technology has the potential to save millions of lives and save healthcare systems hundreds of millions of dollars.

Thus, the CORA system represents an important step forward in the field of cardiology, making the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases more accessible and effective.

31 Jul 2024
1 min read
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