About us – WZO

About us

“The country needs the people, and the people need their country”. This formula very accurately expresses the essence of the relationship between the Jewish state and Diaspora Jews. Creation of the State of Israel is the most prominent Jewish start-up of the 20th century. Returning of the Jews to their own state is the start-up of the 21st century. Future of Israel and of the Jewish people depends on its’ success.

About Us

In October 2015, the 37th Congress of the World Zionist Organization took place in Jerusalem. One of the key decisions of the congress was the establishment of the Department for Promotion of Aliyah .

The wave of aliyah from the 1990s, when about a million repatriates arrived in the country from the former USSR, is behind us. The era of globalization has led many to overlook the importance of the central Zionist idea – to gather Jews in their own state. But even those who do not see the need for repatriation today understand the importance of spiritual connection with Israel in the diaspora.

Thanks to the internet, we have entered a new era of communicative reality. Today, sources of information – not only the media but also social networks – have become influential tools in shaping public opinion and engaging in public dialogue.

To strengthen the connection of the diaspora Jews with Israel, to help them make an informed decision considering the new realities to return to their historical homeland, the Department for Promotion of Aliyah was created.

Paradoxically, today, when every Jew realizes that they can repatriate at any moment, the motivating factors for repatriation are much weaker than in the periods of the establishment of the Jewish state, the struggle for independence, and the struggle for the right to return to the historical homeland.

This new situation has created a need for new approaches, ideas, and people. It is time to restore the concept of “Zionism” with its original high meaning, fill it with the romance that the founders of the Jewish state invested in it.

The head of the department is Marina Rosenberg-Korytnaya. For the first time, a representative of the last aliyah from the USSR-CIS has taken such a high position in one of the most influential and significant Jewish organizations in the world.

Marina Rosenberg-Korytnaya

Marina Rosenberg-Korytnaya belongs to a new generation of public figures in Israel. She repatriated from Kazakhstan in 1995. Over twenty years of living in Israel, she went from a school teacher to the head of the department of the World Zionist Organization. She lives in Be’er Sheva.

In her career:

  • 1996 – Volunteer at the Be’er Sheva branch of “Histadrut”
  • 2003 – Member of the city council of Be’er Sheva, head of municipal commissions for tourism development
  • 2005 – Chairman of the Board of Directors of the urban development company “Kivunim”
  • 2007 – Advisor to the Minister of Tourism
  • 2008 – Head of the press service of the “Our Home Israel” party
  • 2014 – Deputy CEO of the global movement “Beitenu Olami”
  • 2015 – Head of the Department for Promotion of Aliyah of the World Zionist Organization


MA in “Corporate Behavioral Models” (Polytechnic University, New York)

Work Directions

Motivation and assistance in preparation for repatriation.

Today, anyone eligible for repatriation knows that they can come to Israel at any time. However, not everyone has the motivation to take this step. It is time to restore the high meaning of the concept of “Zionism.” The decision to repatriate is the first step towards returning to the homeland. The next step is preparation for repatriation. Learning Hebrew, assessing professional prospects, choosing a place of residence, understanding the status and rights of new repatriates, and creating a personal absorption program are crucial. Much depends on these things, shaping how the new life in Israel begins. Therefore, it is essential for people to come to Israel prepared.

Awakening interest in learning Hebrew.

Knowledge of the language is a crucial factor in national identification. We expand the network of ulpanim and Hebrew courses in diaspora countries, conduct teacher internships. During the first year of the Repatriation Support Department’s work, 400 new Hebrew classes were opened. And each year, their number increases. It is an undisputed fact that repatriates who arrive in Israel with knowledge of Hebrew adapt much faster and more successfully.

Strengthening the connection between diaspora Jews and the State of Israel.

Diaspora Jews are an integral part of the Jewish people. The revival and support of Jewish life must occur in the context of strengthening the national self-identification of diaspora Jews and fostering a sustainable interest in Israel and pride in its achievements. It is crucial to know how to work not only with Jews united in communities but also to reach out to Jews who do not belong to them. Learn to talk to “unaffiliated” Jews, primarily with youth who are outside the scope of existing organizations and communities.