[:en]Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands: The Jewish ‘Nakba'[:] — WZO

[:en]Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands: The Jewish ‘Nakba'[:]

[:en]Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands: The Jewish ‘Nakba’ With Ben Dror Yemini on 7th June at 7pm Ben Dror Yemini is a researcher, a lecturer and a senior journalist who wrote the bestseller about anti-Israel propaganda: ‘The Industry of Lies: Myths and Facts about the Israeli-Arab Conflict’. Yemini gives lectures at leading universities and parliaments […]

[:en]Jewish Refugees from Arab Lands: The Jewish ‘Nakba’ With Ben Dror Yemini on 7th June at 7pm

Ben Dror Yemini is a researcher, a lecturer and a senior journalist who wrote the bestseller about anti-Israel propaganda: ‘The Industry of Lies: Myths and Facts about the Israeli-Arab Conflict’. Yemini gives lectures at leading universities and parliaments and his articles are published in leading newspapers around the world.
In this webinar, Yemini will speak about the largely untold history of the almost one million Jews who were expelled from Arab lands.

FREE Register at https://tinyurl.com/yemini-uk



5 Июн 2020
1 мин. чтения
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