The World Zionist Organization was founded by the initiative of Theodor Herzl during the first Zionist congress in Basel (Switzerland) in 1897.
World Zionist Organization
ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית
First Zionist Congress
The World Zionist Organization was founded on the initiative of Theodor Herzl at the First Zionist Congress in 1897 in Basel, Switzerland.
During the congress, a resolution known as the “Basel Program” was adopted, outlining the goal of the Zionist movement as the “establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in the land of Israel.”
To achieve this goal, the following directions were defined:
Jerusalem Program – 2004
The State of Israel emerged as a result of Zionism, the national-liberation movement of the Jewish people. Zionism envisions the Jewish, Zionist, democratic State of Israel within secure borders as an expression of the collective responsibility of the Jewish people for its continuity and future.
Basel. City Casino
The building of the City Casino, where the First Zionist Congress took place in 1897.
Meeting of the World Zionist Organization
The fundamental principles of Zionism include:
120 Years of the World Zionist Organization
In 2017, the World Zionist Organization celebrated its 120th anniversary. Over these years, Jews established their state, defended its independence, and achieved incredible successes in many areas.
120 years are not just a symbolic date. It marks the beginning of a new stage in the promotion of the idea of Zionism and the development of Zionist activities in the Jewish world. It is time to elevate relations with the Jewish diaspora to a new level and build bridges that will bring Jews closer to Israel and encourage them to return to their historical homeland.
Jerusalem. Building of the World Zionist Organization and Jewish Agency “Sohnut.”
Constructed in the 1930s according to the design of architect Yohanan Ratner.