
Israel celebrates it’s independence!

The Jewish state turned 75 years old!


Head of the Department for promotion of Aliyah

Marina Rosenberg-Koritny

Israel celebrates its 75th birthday! Bless her!
Raise the flag and light fireworks.

A bit of history

August 29, 1897

The first Zionist Congress takes place in Basel, Switzerland. In the opening speech, Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl defines the main goal of the newly established Zionist movement: "to establish a Jewish state that will be a refuge for the Jewish people."

October 28, 1910

Degania was established - the first kibbutz in the Land of Israel.

November 2, 1917

The Balfour Declaration, in which the British Government announces its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people in the Land of Israel".

November 29, 1922

Hebrew was recognized as the official language of the Land of Israel.

November 29, 1947

The United Nations Assembly (UN) passes a resolution to end the British mandate and the establishment of two independent states in the Land of Israel - a Jewish state and an Arab state (Resolution 181).

May 14, 1948

The independence of the State of Israel was declared. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at the home of Meir Dizengoff, Tel Aviv Mayor on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, David Ben-Gurion reads the Declaration of Independence of the State of Israel and thus declares the establishment of the Jewish state.

Today, 75 years later, Israel is commonly called the nation of startups, thanks to the technological achievements. However, it can be stated with certainty that the establishment of State of Israel in itself is the biggest and most important startup of our time.
Marina Rosenberg-Koritny
Head of the Department for Encouraging Aliyah in the World Zionist Organization

the joy!

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