Important seminar in Paris – WZO

Important seminar in Paris

On September 16, 2024, a seminar was held in Paris, organized by the Department for Aliyah Promotion of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) under the leadership of Marina Rozenberg Koritny. The main goal of the event was to establish closer cooperation and effective coordination among all organizations that assist French Jews in repatriating to Israel.

At the seminar, representatives from the World Zionist Organization included Alex Goldenshtein, the director of the WZO’s Department for Aliyah Promotion, staff from the head office in Jerusalem, and local coordinators in France. They held meetings with representatives of the Jewish Agency (Sokhnut), the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, as well as its Director-General Avihai Kahana. These meetings were particularly important in the context of growing interest in repatriation among French Jews.

Marina Rozenberg Koritny emphasized that in today’s conditions, it is extremely important for all organizations involved in supporting repatriates to closely interact and share information. This will help create more effective conditions for making repatriation accessible and understandable for everyone who considers Israel as their new home.

19 Sep 2024
1 min read
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