[:en]Simchat Torah with Holocaust Remeberance Association[:] — WZO

[:en]Simchat Torah with Holocaust Remeberance Association[:]

[:en] The Simchat Torah event held by the Holocaust Remembrance Association, took place on October 20th. During this joyous event we celebrated the end of the full cycle reading of the Torah. Every year, Jewish people from all parts of the world are shaped and unified over this reading; ultimately influencing Zionism. The Holocaust Remembrance […]


The Simchat Torah event held by the Holocaust Remembrance Association, took place on October 20th. During this joyous event we celebrated the end of the full cycle reading of the Torah. Every year, Jewish people from all parts of the world are shaped and unified over this reading; ultimately influencing Zionism. The Holocaust Remembrance Association provided: a venue, entertainment, food, and advertisement.


1 Ноя 2019
1 мин. чтения
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