[:en]Traditional End Of Term Ulpan Party[:] — WZO

[:en]Traditional End Of Term Ulpan Party[:]

[:en]Last Thursday we had our traditional End Of Term Ulpan Party! Thank you The Department For The Promotion Of Alyia, Ofek Israeli And — our dear Ulpanim students, teachers and guests for the genuine love to the Hebrew language! In the previous months, you learned some new words in Hebrew. In the following posts, we […]

[:en]Last Thursday we had our traditional End Of Term Ulpan Party!

Thank you The Department For The Promotion Of Alyia, Ofek Israeli And — our dear Ulpanim students, teachers and guests for the genuine love to the Hebrew language! In the previous months, you learned some new words in Hebrew. In the following posts, we will be sharing some favorite Hebrew words and no better way than to start with Zachinu Bachem!
Toda and looking forward to the upcoming year!
Been waiting for the photos? You are welcome to tag yourself!


14 Июл 2019
1 мин. чтения
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