Programs – WZO


Our programs cover a wide range of activities to get to know Israel and Hebrew. We offer Aliyah fairs, Hebrew ulpanim, open classes and social clubs to help you better understand the culture, language and way of life in Israel.
These programs are designed to support new immigrants and anyone who wants to learn more about Israel, providing valuable resources and knowledge for successful integration and adaptation.


“Geula” Program

The ‘Geula’ program is aimed at developing leadership qualities among young Jewish women. Participants undergo training that includes a two-week seminar in Israel, individual and group trainings, as well as working on personal projects. The program strengthens ties between Jewish communities in the Diaspora and Israel, encourages innovative initiatives, and supports women’s leadership. Participants also join the ‘Geula’ Alumni Forum and participate in various events for Israel in their communities.

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“Plant a Tree” Program

The “Plant a Tree” program allows anyone who teaches or has taught Hebrew in Ulpanim to plant their own tree in Israel, making the country greener and strengthening the connection with the Jewish state. Participation costs 36 shekels. The Jewish National Fund will plant a tree on your behalf in the OLIM B’ IVRIT grove. This initiative helps restore forests affected by fires in the south of Israel and is actively supported by Ulpan graduates.

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“Aliyah Fair” Initiative

The initiative provides a comprehensive overview of opportunities available to potential repatriates in Israel. Participants learn about employment, education, social security, and other aspects of life in Israel. Special attention is given to enrollment in Ulpanim for Hebrew study, as well as the unique features of repatriation from each country.
Since 2016, the Aliyah Fair has been successfully held in countries of Europe, North and South America, helping thousands of people make an informed choice and prepare for moving to Israel.

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“Open Lesson” Initiative

The “Open Lesson” initiative has been in operation since 2016 and aims to expand Ulpan students’ views on life in Israel. As part of the project, Israelis share their life stories, talk about the country’s development, and its significance in their destinies. Participants speak in simple Hebrew to facilitate understanding. The project covers various countries and attracts well-known personalities, such as Israeli football legend Moti Spiegler, journalist Rina Matsliach, singer Irina Kilfin, Brigadier General Amihai Yudenfreund, and many others.

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