Israeli soldier and Jewish students: an online meeting
The World Zionist Organization Department for the promotion of Aliyah (WZO) organized an online meeting between Ariel Tulub, an Israeli reserve soldier, and Jewish students from France studying medicine at the University of Porto (Portugal).

Ariel shared his memories of the events of October 7 last year and talked about how he and his fellow soldiers experienced those difficult days. The meeting sparked keen interest: the students asked many questions and actively discussed what they had heard.
Marina Rosenberg Koritny, Head of the Department for the Promotion of Aliyah noted:
“This meeting was another step towards strengthening the connection between the Jewish diaspora communities and Israel. We create opportunities for direct communication so that every Jew, wherever they may be, feels a connection to the Jewish state. Such dialogues are an important element of our work, helping people feel their belonging to a common home.”