[:en]Israel Memorial Day [:] — WZO

[:en]Israel Memorial Day [:]

[:en]Tonight Israel will commemorate 23816 people who have fallen in its conflicts since 1860. This year, the official Yom HaZikaron ceremony to the fallen soldiers and the victims of terror attacks will be online. We share this video and honour our people. Together we remember the fallen, the courageous and the brave. https://www.facebook.com/israelihouselondon/videos/901997433563123/[:]

[:en]Tonight Israel will commemorate 23816 people who have fallen in its conflicts since 1860. This year, the official Yom HaZikaron ceremony to the fallen soldiers and the victims of terror attacks will be online.

We share this video and honour our people. Together we remember the fallen, the courageous and the brave.


27 Апр 2020
1 мин. чтения
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Иллюстрация:  Crystal Eye Studio / Shutterstock   Пресная вода – одно из самых больших богатств Израиля, наша страна мировой лидер в сфере водного хозяйства.