[:en]Hadar Galron in UK[:] — WZO

[:en]Hadar Galron in UK[:]

[:en]Next month our STAR – Hadar Galron — a renowned writer, director, actress and comedienne is coming to the UK and Ireland. There are not many opportunities in which you allow yourself to laugh that loud or cry in your heart – but here, you have a special encounter! Many of Hadar’s works running around […]

[:en]Next month our STAR – Hadar Galron — a renowned writer, director, actress and comedienne is coming to the UK and Ireland.
There are not many opportunities in which you allow yourself to laugh that loud or cry in your heart – but here, you have a special encounter!

Many of Hadar’s works running around the globe and in this tour, reflect on women living in closed, patriarchal societies, reflecting their lives, conflicts, secrets and desires. In addition, this time — Hadar entails the story of «Whistle: My Mother Was Mengele’s Secretary»

Please RSVP as soon as possible and join an evening sheein kmoto!

03.09 – London RSVP wzouk@wzo.org.il

04.09 — Dublin at 8pm «Passion Killer» RSVP office@jewishireland.org

05.09 – Bushey at 8:00pm «Whistle: My Mother Was Mengele’s Secretary» RSVP www.busheyus.org

06.09 — London Youth Session in Hendon RSVP wzouk@wzo.org.il

07.09 – Cambridge at 8pm Women of Valour: Courage, Comedy and Chutzpah RSVP liora.haim@gmail.com

08.09 – Manchester at 8pm Women of Valour: Courage, Comedy and Chutzpah RSVP shaliach.manchester@ujia.org

09.09 – Leeds at 7pm Women of Valour: Courage, Comedy and Chutzpah RSVP info@makor.co.uk


4 Сен 2019
1 мин. чтения
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