[:en]The Nostrand Festival[:] — WZO

[:en]The Nostrand Festival[:]

[:en] The esteemed partner, Kingsbay Y, hosted their annual Israel on Nostrand Ave celebration in Brooklyn on June 11th. This remarkable Zionist event was brimming with a diverse range of captivating activities and live performances, drawing individuals of all ages. It served as a vibrant celebration where the community united to immerse themselves in Israel’s […]


The esteemed partner, Kingsbay Y, hosted their annual Israel on Nostrand Ave celebration in Brooklyn on June 11th. This remarkable Zionist event was brimming with a diverse range of captivating activities and live performances, drawing individuals of all ages. It served as a vibrant celebration where the community united to immerse themselves in Israel’s vibrant culture and actively promote the principles of Zionism, a tradition upheld with enthusiasm year after year.

Having a stand at this event proved to be highly beneficial, offering exposure to over 1000 Israel-supporting Americans in the community. The event provided an excellent platform

to showcase our programs and initiatives, allowing us to engage with key individuals interested in partnering with us. By participating in this celebration, we had the opportunity to share our vision and build meaningful connections within the community, fostering

collaboration with key indivisuals. It was a truly enriching experience that highlighted the positive impact of our partnership with Kingsbay Y and the broader community’s dedication to fostering strong Israel-American relations.


13 Июн 2023
1 мин. чтения
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