[:en]Happy Shavuot to all Am Israel[:] — WZO

[:en]Happy Shavuot to all Am Israel[:]

[:en]Tonight we will celebrate Shavuot, which is one of Judaism’s three pilgrimage festivals. Shavuot commemorates the bringing of the first fruits of the harvest to the Temple, and according to tradition, it marks the giving of the Torah (Bible) at Mount Sinai. Shavuot means «weeks» in Hebrew and it is celebrated exactly seven weeks after […]

[:en]Tonight we will celebrate Shavuot, which is one of Judaism’s three pilgrimage festivals.
Shavuot commemorates the bringing of the first fruits of the harvest to the Temple, and according to tradition, it marks the giving of the Torah (Bible) at Mount Sinai.
Shavuot means «weeks» in Hebrew and it is celebrated exactly seven weeks after the first day of Passover.

חג שבועות שמח![:]

28 Май 2020
1 мин. чтения
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