[:en]Brining Israel Closer to Home[:] — WZO

[:en]Brining Israel Closer to Home[:]

[:en]What better way to overcome these challenging and restrictive times, than to bring Israel closer to home? And that is exactly what we at World Zionist Organisation- United Kingdom in partnership with ZF, the will be doing over the coming weeks, as we invite you to join our series of free webinars (online lectures) by […]

[:en]What better way to overcome these challenging and restrictive times, than to bring Israel closer to home?

And that is exactly what we at World Zionist Organisation- United Kingdom in partnership with ZF, the will be doing over the coming weeks, as we invite you to join our series of free webinars (online lectures) by Israeli experts from across Israel’s rich and diverse society.

Our first two webinars feature the Israelis noted in the advert below.
Register NOW

To register FOR FREE for Ran Nir-Paz, go to: https://tinyurl.com/nir-paz-uk

To register FOR FREE for Gil Hovav, go to: https://tinyurl.com/gil-hovav-uk

World Zionist Organisation- United Kingdom Izchak Sonnenschein , ZF UK — Zionist Federation,Borehamwood Shul look forward to welcoming you in cyberspace!


31 Мар 2020
1 мин. чтения
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