WZO rehabilitates forests damaged by rockets and incendiary devices
Jerusalem Post, April 27, 2021

The World Zionist Organization and KKL-JNF Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael have mobilized to rehabilitate forests and fields that have been burned by terrorist rockets and incendiary devices in recent years. This morning, the “Olim BeIvrit” (Advancing in Hebrew) grove was inaugurated in the Western Negev’s Ruhama Forest. The planting of trees in this grove is dedicated to thousands of Hebrew students in the Diaspora in recognition of their dedication to learning the Hebrew language and strengthening their Jewish and Zionist identity.
The project, in collaboration with KKL-JNF, is intended to encourage Zionist values that combine a response to terrorism, the integration of Diaspora Jews in Zionist activities, planting trees, and an appropriate response to those who hope to sow terror and fear among Israeli citizens.
Marina Rosenberg-Koritny, head of WZO’s Department of Aliyah Promotion, stated: “Two years ago, we started a new tradition. We plant a young tree in the name of each student in the Hebrew courses we conduct. The trees symbolize, more than anything else, our connection to the land and the connection they create for the Jews around the world. These trees represent hope for the future of the Jewish people, tradition, history and Israeli identity.”
WZO Chairman Yaakov Hagoel added that, “In my opinion, the connection of every Jew to the land and trees of Israel symbolizes the connection to our identity. The strength and longevity of the tree lies in the degree to which it is rooted in the ground. Just like the people of Israel, its roots are planted deep in the earth. We returned to the land “livnot u’lehibanot” — to build and to be built. While missiles are falling, we learn our traditional language and strengthen our culture. While our enemies burn forests, we plant trees. When they try to destroy, we build.”