[:en]Film Screening «Witnesses»[:] — WZO

[:en]Film Screening «Witnesses»[:]

[:en]On May 24th a screening was held for the film «Witnesses,»  dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust. The inventive account of the Holocaust is told through stories, following a pair of women’s shoes in a store window, a German Shepherd puppy, and a violin. The movie deeply resonated with the audience, stirring profound emotions and touching the core of […]

[:en]On May 24th a screening was held for the film «Witnesses,»  dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust. The inventive account of the Holocaust is told through stories, following a pair of women’s shoes in a store window, a German Shepherd puppy, and a violin. The movie deeply resonated with the audience, stirring profound emotions and touching the core of their hearts. Its powerful storytelling, compelling characters, and poignant themes created an unforgettable experience. The experience evoked many heartfelt reactions and left a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of those who had the privilege of watching it. Afterwards, attendees were given the opportunity to have a question and answer session with the film director, Konstantin Fam. Over 150 people were in attendance and participated in the deeply moving discourse. This opportunity was used to promote Ulpans and Aliyah.


3 Июн 2023
1 мин. чтения
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