TODAY* 10 Iyar we mark the National Herzl Day to commemorate the life and vision of Zionist leader Theodor Herzl! Herzl formed the Zionist Organization and promoted the effort to establish a Jewish State.
The ZF, in partnership with the WZO and supported by the Jewish Agency, Masa, UJ, JNF and the Israeli Embassy, encourages you all to enjoy a ‘communal barbecue’ in the comfort and security of your own home! When? 29th April 2020 Where? Your Home The ZF, in partnership with the WZO and supported by the […]
What better way to overcome these challenging and restrictive times, than to bring Israel closer to home? And that is exactly what we at World Zionist Organisation- United Kingdom in partnership with ZF, the will be doing over the coming weeks, as we invite you to join our series of free webinars (online lectures) by […]
Yesterday moving lecture with Dr Uzi Rubin: the founder and first Director of the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) in the Israel Ministry of Defense (MoD) and founder of the Arrow Defence programme.
It was great to drink a toast to Rosh Hashana with our WZO Family & Crew! We will continue collaborating and working together on new projects and achieve new goals! Thank you for joining us in wishing each other a Shana Tova Umetuka!