
WZO: Promoting aliyah through the Hebrew language
Marina Rosenberg-Koritny, head of the Aliyah Promotion Department, establishes a worldwide Hebrew learning network By ALAN ROSENBAUM Jerusalem Post, September 25, 2020 11:40 A network of 1,200 intensive Hebrew courses exist throughout the Jewish world ‘Once upon a time, the Jewish people needed a country; today, the country needs people.” With this pithy […]

Lockdown Learners Enjoy Hebrew Social
Those missing their Israel trip this summer can keep their ivrit up to speed through a new online offering form the World Zionist Organisation’s alliyah promotion department and the Zionist Federation.

The עברית Social Club offers!
Dear Friends! The עברית Social Club offers you the opportunity to express yourselves in Hebrew! Our first series of sessions will be via ZOOM and are intended for those with an intermediate, intermediate-plus and advanced level of Hebrew.

WZO Hebrew Ulpanim in the UK singing Hallelujah
If a picture is worth a thousand words, this song is worth a million.

Learn to speak Hebrew like an Israeli
A Summer Splash! Take a second look at our End Of Term WZO Ulpan Party, stay tuned to the pumping Israeli music and share these magnificent memories! Learn to speak Hebrew like an Israeli Classes available for all levels and abilities Improve your Hebrew Learn more about Israel Ideal for those making or considering Aliyah […]