News – Page 12 – WZO

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End Jew hatred on campus”, Columbia University

End Jew hatred on campus”, Columbia University

Department for the Promotion of Aliya co-organized a rally at Columbia University campus where hundreds of activists and students chanted “Am Yisrael Chai” to call for an end to hatred towards the Jewish community.
Министерство обороны Израиля: боевой листок № 1

Министерство обороны Израиля: боевой листок № 1

Пресс-служба Армии обороны Израиля выпустила боевой листок № 1, содержащий обращение начальника генерального штаба ЦАХАЛа генерал-лейтенанта Герци а-Леви.
Learning Hebrew during wartime

Learning Hebrew during wartime

Photo: ledenecova69 /   Learning Hebrew during wartime presents unique challenges.
Israeli Emergency Rally

Israeli Emergency Rally

On October 8, even prior to the disclosure of Israel-related news by several major media outlets, the Department of Aliyah Promotion within the World Zionist Organization, under the leadership of its North American director, Eugene Lekah, organized an emergency rally in New York City.
The World Zionist Organization has opened a centre to collect donations from companies and institutions

The World Zionist Organization has opened a centre to collect donations from companies and institutions

The World Zionist Organization has opened a centre to collect donations from companies and institutions.
Shana Tova!

Shana Tova!

Dear friends, As we approach Rosh Hashana, I would like to wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy new year.
Presentation of the New Book

Presentation of the New Book

Presentation of the new book “Open Fracture”, written by prominent jewish-american author, journalist and Public Figure Gennady Katsov, took place in New York Public Library – Kings Highway branch on June 03.2023.
The Nostrand Festival

The Nostrand Festival

The esteemed partner, Kingsbay Y, hosted their annual Israel on Nostrand Ave celebration in Brooklyn on June 11th.
Film Screening “Witnesses”

Film Screening “Witnesses”

On May 24th a screening was held for the film “Witnesses,”  dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust. The inventive account of the Holocaust is told through stories, following a pair of women’s shoes in a store window, a German Shepherd puppy, and a violin.
Teachers seminar

Teachers seminar

Over the weekend of May 14-16th, an exceptional seminar for educators was successfully organized.
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