[:en]An authentic celebration of hummus, Israel and Hebrew food with Gil Hovav[:] — WZO

[:en]An authentic celebration of hummus, Israel and Hebrew food with Gil Hovav[:]

[:en]We started! An authentic celebration of hummus, Israel and Hebrew food with Gil Hovav — all for free! Some photos from yesterday’s great success which takes place tonight again in London Tomorrow at Cambridge And then to Borehamwood, Dublin, Brighton and Leeds! What is it about? The World Zionist Organization in Britain brings Gil Hovav […]

[:en]We started! An authentic celebration of hummus, Israel and Hebrew food with Gil Hovav — all for free!
Some photos from yesterday’s great success which takes place tonight again in London
Tomorrow at Cambridge
And then to Borehamwood, Dublin, Brighton and Leeds!

What is it about?
The World Zionist Organization in Britain brings Gil Hovav — the king of Israeli food, the great-grandson of Eliezer Ben Yehuda and the media coordinator in Israel — to a journey of experiential and moving lectures.

Want to join us?
Simply select the lecture you want to attend and write to the appropriate e-mail of the lecture you wish to attend — see attached image or list:

28/6/2019, 19:30
RSVP: rabispa@ljs.org

29/06/2019, 19:30

30/06/2019, 19:30
RSVP: events@theus.org.uk

1/07/2019, 19:30
RSVP: office@jewishireland.org

2/07/2019, 19:30
RSVP: Ashley.woolfe@bnjc.co.uk

3/07/2019, 19:30
RSVP: info@makor.co.uk


28 Июн 2019
1 мин. чтения
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