Alia’s Fair – WZO

Alia’s Fair

The Aliyah Fair initiative provides a comprehensive overview of the opportunities open to potential immigrants in Israel, including employment, education, social security, and other areas of life. Particular attention is paid to enrolling in ulpanim for Hebrew language learning, as well as the unique characteristics of aliyah in each country.



The “Aliyah Fair” initiative provides a comprehensive overview of opportunities available to potential repatriates in Israel, including employment, education, social security, and other aspects of life. Special attention is given to enrollment in Ulpan for Hebrew study, as well as the unique features of repatriation in each country.

Unique Features

Each event takes into account the specific features of repatriation in each country, providing potential repatriates with relevant and adapted information. The events gather many participants interested in repatriation and provide them with useful resources and contacts.


Since 2016, the “Aliyah Fair” has been helping thousands of people make an informed choice and prepare for moving to Israel. This initiative demonstrates the wide range of opportunities available to repatriates and provides the necessary resources for successful adaptation and integration into Israeli society.