Project ‘Orientation – Aliyah’: Applying to Israeli Universities Before Repatriation – WZO

Project ‘Orientation – Aliyah’: Applying to Israeli Universities Before Repatriation

In the capital of Argentina, for the fifth time, the psychometric exam necessary for admission to Israeli universities was held. The conduct of the “psychometry” in the country of origin in the native language for prospective repatriate applicants has become part of the “Orientation – aliyah” project of the Department for Aliyah Promotion of the World Zionist Organization.

Applicants from Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Israel gathered on November 5 in the auditorium of the Sholom-Aleichem school to take the psychometric test and get a real opportunity to earn an academic degree at the most prestigious universities in Israel – such as the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Technion in Haifa, Ben-Gurion University in Be’er Sheva, and others.

Head of the Aliya Promotion Department of WZO Marina Rozenberg Koritny: “I want to thank everyone who contributes to the successful implementation of our project. These are the Department’s staff in Latin America and Jerusalem, our partners from the organizations “Ofek Israeli” and the National Center for Exams and Certification (NCEC), and, of course, the leadership of Jewish schools in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. The project “Orientation – aliyah” has long established itself firmly, and I am confident that it has a great future. The project provides participants with everything necessary for successful studies in Israel: this includes preparation for the psychotest in their native language, taking the psychotest itself, and intensive Hebrew courses.”

15 Nov 2024
1 min read
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