Open lesson – WZO

Open lesson

The Open Lesson project has been in operation since 2016 and aims to broaden the ulpan students’ understanding of life in Israel and its citizens. The main goal of the project is to provide students with the opportunity to learn about the personal stories of Israelis, hear about the country’s development, and learn what place Israel occupies in their lives.


Project participants

The project involves Israelis who have something to share. They talk about their life paths, successes, and challenges they had to face. These stories are told in simple Hebrew, making them accessible and understandable for Ulpan students.

Famous participants

The “Open Lesson” project attracted many famous Israelis, such as Israeli football legend Moti Spiegler, journalist Rina Matsliah, singer Irina Kilfin, Brigadier General Amichai Yudenfreund, singer Rami Kleinstein, and many others. These personalities shared their stories with participants around the world, inspiring them and expanding their knowledge about life in Israel.


The “Open Lesson” project continues to operate successfully, providing Ulpan students with the opportunity to learn about life in Israel through the personal stories of its citizens. These meetings inspire and motivate participants, expanding their knowledge and understanding of the Jewish state.