Hebrew Ulpan class in Brooklyn, NY – WZO

Hebrew Ulpan class in Brooklyn, NY

World Zionist Organization Department for promotion of Aliyah NA and ofek Israeli Hebrew Ulpan class in Brooklyn, NY. What a wonderful group of people, all with a common goal to learn the modern hebrew language and be one step closer to their eternal homeland – Israel.



29 Mar 2023
1 min read
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To Plant Hope

To Plant Hope

Students of the summer ulpan from the Department Promotion for Aliyah in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, together with their teachers and the department staff at the Jewish Agency, held a Tu B’Shvat seder.
On this day in history: March 3, 1912, the women’s Zionist organization “Hadassah” was founded in the USA.

On this day in history: March 3, 1912, the women’s Zionist organization “Hadassah” was founded in the USA.

The Hadassah Women’s Zionist Organization of America, one of the largest women’s Zionist organizations in the world, was founded on March 3, 1912, by Henrietta Szold.
An Israeli startup has developed a platform for detecting disinformation on social networks

An Israeli startup has developed a platform for detecting disinformation on social networks

The Israeli company Cyabra from Tel Aviv has created a platform based on machine learning algorithms designed to detect fake profiles and disinformation spread through social networks.